Wonderful things about the Coach Trip
- Niagara Falls
- Trois Rivieres in Canada
- Quebec in Canada
- Thousand Islands in Canada
- Boston
- Sitting together on the back seat
- The unintentionally funny tour guide Carlton
- Very fancy hotels
Terrible things about the Coach Trip
- 4.30 am starts
- Having to eat every dinnertime in the Chinatown area of whatever city we were in
- Going up every single tower in North America
- 4 hour journeys
- Running out of clean clothes
- Being abandoned in New York with no bags!!
So more good things than bad but we were very please to jump ship in New York and break out on our own. We had a fantastic day in New York seeing The Statue of Liberty. Times Square, 5th Ave etc. Thought we had seen the back of early morning starts but then Sian wanted to go watch a live concert from the Jonas Brothers and Demi Levato in Central Park. This was being shown on Good Morning America so it was another 5am start. It was worth it though as Sian was excited and Central Park was amazing. This trip has given us some unforgettable experiences but we are also eager to start living a 'proper' American life!
cant wait to try it myself