Wednesday, 16 February 2011

St Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day is a big deal in the US. I expected this before I came. Even in the UK I have never been over fond of Valentine's Day. It seems too forced. Why should you have to have a special day to tell the person you love how you feel? Oh yes, to make money. It is so contrived and focused on buying THINGS!! Also I dislike the way some people brag about what they got for Valentine's Day, the subtext being... see how much more LOVED I am than you!
Well over here, times all that by 10! Everyone is included in Valentine's Day, not just the ones in relationships (unrequited or not). All the children at school bought special child orientated mini V Day cards (which come in class packs). I received more cards for Valentine's Day than I did for Christmas. Some bought gifts for their friends, others bought cookies and cupcakes. During snack time we passed out the cards and gifts and ate the treats. It was very different. I also received cards and gifts from the children and (because I had an idea this would happen) I had baked heart shape sugar cookies for them. I can just about accept all of this in the name of 'Cultural Exchange' but I still fail to see how Valentine's Day is a 'holiday'. We are at work, it is made up by retailers. It is not a holiday. I suppose some things are a leap too far even for me!

1 comment:

  1. You are partly right about commercialism, however where it is done by people making their own cards, cakes etc and everybody is included it becomes more of a fun celebration.
